Overwhelmingly, Executives report the driving need for DevOps and adoption of automation and orchestration frameworks is driven by scalability needs and reduction of OpEx. However, Execs often think that it’s the frameworks or tools themselves that bring the value. Without knowledge and expertise, the tools fall short - the true value of DevOps is not realized.

The Rythmos Blog

What is GDPR and how does it affect you?

Posted by Rythmos on Aug 30, 2019 8:00:00 AM

No, GDPR is not the name of the latest Euro-punk band. Instead, it is the European Union (EU) regulation concerning the protection and privacy of data. The General Data Protection Regulation was created to allow individuals to keep and maintain control of their own data. Here is some basic information to jump start your knowledge of its impact on your organization and how you interact with customers.

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Topics: GDPR, Data Protection

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