
Artificial Intelligence Trends to Watch in 2019

Written by Rythmos | Jan 16, 2019 11:30:00 AM

Robot delivery. Automated vehicles. 2018 was a fascinating and often bizarre year for artificial intelligence.

However, what is happening for this year? End-of-year tech reports, as well as analysis from consumer and special interest groups, pinpoint a few things that have worked for the year- and others that haven’t.

Companies small and large are even beginning to utilize these tactics to reach more customers and expand their scope.

We have reviewed a variety of trends and found at least four that seem to be taking hold for 2019.

Voice Command Technology

The trend of voice command AI, in the form of Siri, Google Now, and others, have certainly been around for a few years now. But the technology is quickly becoming an integral part of consumer marketing tactics.

Siri was the ultimate game changer in the public acceptance of voice command. However, it is evolving far past a feature exclusively for mobile devices, as voice command has been used everywhere from the kitchen to the workplace. Voice command services have been connected to the reduction of healthcare costs, the increase of productivity, and easier data retrieval from the consumer end. Consumers are using voice command features in ways they never even considered.

Voice command may soon be a ubiquitous feature of all businesses in interacting with their customers- and each other.

AI Chatboxes

Chatboxes are the ideal complement to voice command. They go hand-in-hand to deliver a massive shift in the paradigm.

While chatbox can be connected to a live individual, it certainly doesn’t have to be. FitWell, a wellness app, offers health advice to users, from the best place to work out for the day to an ideal meal option to fit the user’s current needs and wants (1).

AI chatboxes are so incredible because they facilitate data from two key directions. The first is through the user community, where actions from thousands of users can change behavior and pattern recognition. The second is by personal use, allowing users to cater the AI to their individual approach.

It is a fascinating and potentially game-changing shift in app interaction, and one that will have massive ramifications for consumers.

Consumer Perception and Ethics

As AI becomes more commonplace in the home, the inevitable backlash against it will only intensify. The importance of ethics will be pivotal in 2019. New ethics committees are expected to crop up to account for trustworthiness and morality in the development of AI systems. It will be important for consumers to stay connected to moral and public-conscious AI development. Without some oversight or accountability, some developers may take advantage of the wealth of data accumulated and collected by their AI resources.

At the tail end of 2018, the European Commission’s High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence, publicized a wide-spanning report, citing “[AI] should respect fundamental rights, applicable regulation, and core principles and values, ensuring an “ethical purpose.” (2).

It is a seismic and somewhat expected shift as robots become more popular, and Terminator sequels continue to be produced.

Deep Learning

Deep learning is such a rich and game-changing development because it can be applied to many different areas of AI. Deep learning demands an AI learn and adapt, increasing its influences and skills as users continue to utilize it.


The approach has been integral to automated vehicle driving in 2018, and it will continue to be a driving component. However, deep learning has become a focal point in natural language processing and robotics, to name a few.

You can see the initial stages of the method play out in automated insights, voice-based personal assistances, and other smart devices and tools that change based on how a consumer utilizes them.

We have seen some huge shifts in the way businesses interact with their customers and how consumers interact with the brands, apps, and ideas they love.

AI is at a substantial crossroads. While many of the forward-thinking leaders push the creative and innovative envelope, many of the trends seem to focus on practicality and function, with a slant on keeping developments ethical and responsible.


1. https://epic.org/2019/01/european-commission-seeks-inpu.html

2. https://venturebeat.com/2018/06/26/ai-guardsman-uses-computer-vision-to-spot-shoplifters/