Analyze, profile and understand multiple, potentially fragmented and siloed data sources as well as data management processes and use cases affecting the structure and content of the data.
Develop a comprehensive, long-term data model that captures all relevant aspects of your business.
Leverage your existing ETL tools, or use the Rythmos Adaptive Integration Layer (RAIL) to provide real-time, streaming, and batch updates from your operational data sources.
Seed the data warehouse with as much data as is available historically from sources.
Our team brings together the skills and execution methodology necessary to deliver an end-to-end Data Warehouse solution.
Build out data management processes to blend, enrich, transform and cleanse your data into a format suitable for advanced analytics and further analysis.
Architect the physical footprint of your Data Warehouse (on-premises or cloud) to enable scalable processing and future growth.
Tune your data warehouse for optimal performance, in the face of parallel users, and complex queries, and ever-growing, peta-byte scale data volumes.
Provides a consolidated, consistent view of your company across its dimensions and across time.
Allows your company to make real data-driven decisions vs. decisions based on gut-feel or anecdotal evidence.
Enables quick feedback and learning iterations in the market place through real-time and near-real-time feeds.
Empowers customer-centric solutions to drive your customer experience program in a highly-personalized, relevant way.
Directly feeds predictive modeling and machine learning to anticipate and pro-actively address business issues across functions, such as customer churn, campaign effectiveness and operational efficiency.
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© 2020 Rythmos.