The Rythmos Blog

There is more to Cybersecurity than a Change Password Policy

Posted by Rythmos on Nov 2, 2019 3:30:00 PM

You may already be familiar with the concept of cybersecurity. All of us know the importance of utilizing different passwords for sensitive accounts or completely logging off of a shared computer when done. Is there more to cybersecurity that you should consider? What specific action should you take to ensure your business is safe? Here is your crash course on cybersecurity and what you can do to protect yourself.

Cybersecurity - 10-31-2019
What is Cybersecurity?
In short, the concept of cybersecurity involves protecting your Internet-connected systems, like your hardware and data, from cyberattacks. It is essential to protect your data from hackers who can put your information into the wrong hands or otherwise alter your data to harm your business.

Having an efficient cybersecurity strategy can help keep your information safe from data breaches, identity theft, and other forms of cyberattacks.

When is Cybersecurity Used?
As technology is quickly growing, more and more threats are appearing. There are multiple ways that your data can be compromised, and therefore, multiple instances where cybersecurity can be beneficial. One of the most well-known threats is phishing, where fraudulent emails are sent to trick users into unknowingly providing sensitive data to thieves. You’re likely also familiar with malware, which includes viruses like Trojan horses.

Another emerging threat is ransomware, wherein an attacker will lock files and demand payment to release them. Finally, social engineering mainly involves human interaction to trick people into breaking procedures and releasing sensitive information.

How Can Cybersecurity Help?
Since there are so many ways that your data can be compromised, there are multiple elements of cybersecurity that can work to your advantage. For example, application security can protect your applications for external threats with countermeasures like firewalls and routers. Many of the antivirus programs and authentication systems that you’re already familiar with fall into this category.

Specifically, for businesses, a segment of cybersecurity called a disaster recovery plan (DRP) can be critical. A DRP is a step-by-step plan of precautions you can take to minimize the effects of an unexpected breach. Having a detailed plan will help you quickly recover from a disaster, especially for the pieces of your business that can’t afford to be off-line for long. When creating your DRP, be sure to critical factors like budget, resources, and data in mind.

Create your Disaster Recovery Plan with Rythmos!

Benefits of Cybersecurity
Both in your business and your personal life, you should be prioritizing cybersecurity. Investing in a cybersecurity vendor such as Cisco or McAfee can be one of the smartest decisions you make both personally and professionally, as it will help protect your most sensitive data and can help you recover quickly after a loss.

Having a thorough cybersecurity system can be vital to protect you and your information. Cybersecurity methods can help prevent unauthorized users from gaining access to your data, as well as protect all of your data and networks. If you do happen to have a breach, having a robust cybersecurity system can help you get back on your feet quickly.

Finally, having good cybersecurity provides priceless peace of mind. Your employees and customers will have more confidence in your website and your company in general, and you will have less to worry about knowing that you are safe from any cyberattacks.

Cybersecurity Best Practices
While it is crucial to have cybersecurity plans in place and invest in cybersecurity software, there are other small steps you can take to protect your information. Make sure that you regularly back up your files to allow for a quick recovery in the event of a loss. Additionally, make sure all of your devices are up to date with the latest software. Namely, for your applications, many are already equipped with some cybersecurity measures, so keeping those systems updated will ensure that you are as secure as possible.

When it comes to providing sensitive information online, make sure that you only trust URLs that begin with https:// and, if the “s” is missing, do not enter any data. If you receive an email or attachment from an unknown source, be sure not to open it. Finally, be sure to educate yourself and your staff on all of these measures. While some of these best practices may seem like common sense, it’s better to take the time to review them so you can rest assured knowing everyone is prepared in case of a breach.

As technology continues to advance, cybersecurity will become an increasingly more critical matter. It is essential to understand the threats to your data and what you can do about them. With a full understanding of the importance of cybersecurity and the best ways to protect yourself, you can increase the confidence of the safety of your company as a whole.

Topics: Cyberattacks, Cybersecurity, Disaster Recovery Plan

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