Overwhelmingly, Executives report the driving need for DevOps and adoption of automation and orchestration frameworks is driven by scalability needs and reduction of OpEx. However, Execs often think that it’s the frameworks or tools themselves that bring the value. Without knowledge and expertise, the tools fall short - the true value of DevOps is not realized.

The Rythmos Blog

Machine Learning: Established or Emerging Technology?

Posted by Rythmos on Oct 1, 2019 9:00:00 AM

In today's fast-moving world, artificial intelligence, or AI, is becoming more and more commonplace. We are shifting to letting machines do more of our work, and we are already reaping the benefits from this quickly growing technology. Machine learning, a subset of artificial intelligence, is on the rise as well, but we in the general public don't know as much about it. Here are some key points you should know to increase your awareness of machine learning.

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Topics: Artificial Intelligence, Digital Transformation, Machine Learning

Has the Promise of Connected Cloud Platforms Come to Fruition?

Posted by Rythmos on Aug 15, 2019 9:00:00 AM

Cloud computing was more of a pariah in its early days than the digital transformation enabler that it is today. The idea of taking all of your company's digital information, everything, and launching it into the cloud hoping that everything would work out okay, seemed quite risky to many companies.

The negative PR image wasn’t entirely unjustified either. With puzzling, high-profile data leaks, notable system outages, and a dirge of competing providers many with less-than-stellar track record and image in their own right, cloud platforms had a lot more going against them.

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Topics: cloud, Digital Transformation, connected cloud, multicloud

Do Chatbots Provide Real Business Value or Increased Customer Frustration?

Posted by Rythmos on Jul 19, 2019 11:00:00 AM

Chatbots are polarizing. On the one hand, are the skeptics, afraid of anything not human. They become genuinely upset when visiting a website they are interrupted by a single message - “Hi, How can we help you today?”

On the other hand, you have fervent supporters who want to skip the theatrics and ask pointed questions directly to the source. Chatbots earn the ire or the adoring love of everyone - and it’s rarely an in-between opinion.

So what is the problem? What is the place of the chatbot today? Are they just a necessary though frustrating stepping stone to something much better or are they a pivotal part of adding real business value? 

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Topics: AI, Artificial Intelligence, Customer Experience, Digital Transformation, Natural Language Processing

API Economy a Stop Along the Path of Transformation

Posted by Rythmos on Jun 19, 2019 5:00:00 PM

Digital services are seemingly always evolving in often productive and intriguing ways. One of these latest rearrangements comes in the form of the API economy? So what is it? Is it little more than a glorified word for a connected network, or is there a whole lot more to this potentially-game-changing shift in the digital organization?

What is the API Economy?

API economy is the word for how digital services handle and organize their Application Programming Interfaces (API). The term "economy" delivers on the idea that these various APIs are communicating, organized, and connected in an infinite number of ways.

One great example is in updating. If one API is updated, how are the others affected? Is the communication altered or worsened in some way? The data extracted from one software or interface platform should be passed to the next seamlessly and without any change. This is the essence of the API economy. The API economy is the connective tissue drawing data from one source to the next, without interruption.

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Topics: Integration, Digital Transformation, API Economy, Real-Time

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